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Monday, February 22, 2010

Week one assignment

I am starting Maggie Holmes Advanced Photography course! Our first assignment was to use props and find a new location. I had three little boys that didn't want to cooperate and these are a few of the shots that I got anyway.... The location was awesome and I hope to go and shoot there again soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


This is my new Blog for Staci Lynch Photography! My website will be coming soon! I am looking forward to capturing your life in style! Please contact me if you are intrested in setting up a session! Have a blessed day!


Session Details

I want...

to capture the things that you love about life so you can remember them forever, because we always say we will but we never do.

to catch that sparkle in the eyes of a child that shows the love for life, the softness of a newborn, adoration of a couple and family....simply you.

you to LOVE your photographs.

you to be proud to hang them on your walls for years.



Sessions usually last 1-3 hours at a location of your choice. I have places I love to shoot at and lots of ideas for new locations. It is also fun to have your session at your own home so everyone feels relaxed. I am also always up for new places to explore!

It is best to schedule your session early morning or late afternoon when the light it at its best! You will love the golden glow of your photos!

Have fun with your cloth choices. Your clothes will determine the feel and style of your photos. With newborns less is always more! Hats, flowers, tutu's, boots, ect. are always fun! Let's have fun, take off your shoes, relax and get some great shots!


Signature SESSION : $100.00

This is for immediate family. For extended family please add $15 per person. Session fee includes pre-session telephone consultation, artist's time, post-processing of 20-30 images and a online viewing gallery. 50% of this fee is due at booking to reserve your
appointment. The remainder is paid before the session.

Ala Carte Print Pricing
4x6 $5
5x7 $9
8x10 $18
11x14 $54
16x20 $108
Wallets (8 qty) $15

All prints are on my signature professional quality pearl-metallic paper.

Please contact Staci for additional sizes and prices. Also available Gallery Wraps, Standout
Mounting and Press Press Printed Cards

Simple Collection $248 All About You Collection $391
(10% discount) (10% discount)

Signature Session Fee $100 Signature Session Fee $100
One 11x14 $54 Two 11x14 $108
Two 8x10 $36 Four 8x10 $72
Four 5x7 $36 Ten 5x7 $90
Ten 4x6 $50 Fifteen 4x6 $75
Eight Wallets $15

Belly to Baby $200
Maternity Signature Session Fee
Newborn Signature Session Fee - should be scheduled before baby is two weeks old
Twenty Four 4x5.5 press printed flat birth announcements with envelopes

Watch Me Grow $300
Three Signature Session Fees during babies first year -typically newborn, 6 months, one year
Twenty Four 4x5.5 press printed flat birth announcements with envelopes
One 5x7 Styrene mount photo from one of your sessions
*Add a Maternity Signature Session for $75

Referrals-I love referrals! Receive a FREE 8x10 for every friend you refer to Simply You-Staci Lynch Photography!

Contact Me

Staci Lynch
Lake Stevens, Washington



www.stacilynchphotography.com ---Coming soon!